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Inhale, Exhale, Breathe Free With Asthma

Life is a complex tapestry, with breath as its most vital thread. Weaved into each moment, our breath intertwines with our being, almost unnoticed. But when this quiet rhythm of inhalation and exhalation is disrupted, life’s fabric seems to fray. Today, let’s delve into a condition that may tangle these threads – Asthma. It’s not just about identifying the entangled threads, but about understanding how to navigate the knotwork to regain the seamless pattern of our well-being.

Unravelling the knot: Understanding Asthma
Asthma, a term often linked with wheezing, breathlessness, and the notorious inhaler, has become a common phrase in our dictionary. Yet, how many of us truly understand the intricate weave that forms this condition? Let’s begin by unraveling its causes.

Genetic factor: Asthma, like the colour of our eyes or the shape of our nose, can be passed down generations. This genetic predisposition makes some of us more susceptible to the condition.

Environmental factor: Just as a perfectly serene lake can be disrupted by a pebble, our respiratory health can be perturbed by environmental triggers. Dust mites, pet dander, pollen, and pollution can all stir up the calm waters, leading to Asthma.


Early childhood factors: Exposures and infections in early life can subtly change the course of our respiratory health, like tiny stitches altering the pattern of a tapestry.

Now that we have peered into the roots of Asthma, let’s move towards recognising the symptoms.

Asthma, despite its potential severity, doesn’t always announce itself with fanfare. Sometimes, its signs are subtle, like faint threads in the fabric of our health.

Wheezing: This distinctive whistle-like sound that accompanies breath is often the first herald of asthma. It’s as if your breath is trying to speak, and it’s saying, “Pay attention”.

Shortness of breath: Imagine the despair of a fish out of water, gasping for breath. For an asthmatic person during an attack, air seems just as elusive.

Chest tightness: This is the feeling of an unseen python coiling around your chest, squeezing tighter with each breath.

Coughing: A dry, persistent cough, especially at night, can be a discreet sign of Asthma, a small knot in the otherwise smooth fabric of our health.


While recognizing these symptoms is crucial, knowing what triggers them is equally, if not more, important. Let’s now identify the threads that pull at the knot of Asthma.

Allergens: Invisible to the eye, but not to the immune system, allergens conveyed via air (pollen, animal dander, dust mites and mold), food (peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, soy, fish, shellfish, eggs, milk) and by any other means can turn the calm rhythm of breath into a turbulent storm.

Air pollutants: The same air that breathes life into us can sometimes take it away. Smoke, chemicals, and dust can incite an asthma attack.

Exercise: Ironically, an activity vital for our health can be a bane for people prone to exercise-induced breathlessness or Asthma.

Stress: Even our feelings can tug at the threads of Asthma. Excessive tension or stress, and strong emotional episodes such as crying, and unfair as it may seem, even laughing can trigger an attack.

Let’s now move from what sets off Asthma symptoms to what diagnostic tests determine the extent of the condition.

Spirometry: This is a lung function test that measures how much air you can inhale and exhale and how quickly you can do it. It helps assess the narrowing of the airways, a characteristic feature of asthma.

Peak flow measurement: This test involves using a peak flow meter to measure how fast you can exhale air. It helps monitor the narrowing of your airways and assess the severity of asthma symptoms.

Bronchial challenge test: This test is performed to determine how sensitive your airways, are by provoking a temporary narrowing of the airways. Methacholine or histamine may be inhaled, and the lung function is measured before and after to assess the response.

FeNO test: This test measures the level of nitric oxide in your breath. Elevated levels can indicate inflammation in the airways, which is common in Asthma.

Allergy testing: Allergy tests such as skin prick tests or blood tests (specific IgE), can help identify potential allergens that may trigger asthma symptoms in some individuals.

Imaging tests: Chest X-ray or CT scan may be performed to rule out other conditions that can cause similar symptoms as Asthma or to evaluate the severity of asthma complications.

In this tangled journey through Asthma, it is not advisable for you to travel alone. Seek out a healthcare partner who can help you untangle the knot of Asthma and make you breathe free with confidence.



If you are in Hyderabad, place your trust in BBR Hospitals, Balanagar. Their team of pulmonologists, armed with an extensive range of diagnostic and therapeutic equipment, is poised to offer the best Asthma care.

Furthermore, its advanced diagnostic facilities, state-of-the-art infrastructure, multidisciplinary healthcare experts and proactive patient-service team make BBR Hospitals your best bet for comprehensive care. Their tele-consultation facility ensures round-the-clock monitoring, while the 24×7 Emergency Department is always ready to handle any immediate requirement.

The hospital’s automated Diagnostic Lab uses cutting-edge technology to detect and monitor Asthma, helping you understand and deal with your condition better.

Coping with a condition like Asthma is not just about treatment, but also about preventive care and education. At BBR Hospitals, they ensure that you are well-informed about your condition, the dos & don’ts, the precautions and actions…making you an active participant in your health journey.

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